Vintage Computing LGP-21

External links

Documents in English

Documents in German

The University of Stuttgart’s online archive also offers quite a bit of documentation on the LGP-21, mostly the Schoppe & Faeser version. Among other documents, this includes schematics, functional descriptions and installation instructions for several upgrade options for the LGP-21, which I find quite fascinating. A few notable documents:

Librazette journal

A group of former Librascope employees maintains the Librascope Memories website. Among other documents, this site hosts a complete collection of the Librazette – an employee newsletter published from 1940 to 1999.

The Librazette gives a good impression of the development of Librascope as a division of General Precision, and later Singer, over several decades. It clearly shows the strong focus Librascope had on military technology, but the “commercial computer” product line gets its share of attention as well. A few issues relevant to the LGP-21:

And a few issues mentioning key organizational changes:

More to come…

The technikum29 has a large collection of paper tapes, comprising the ACT compiler for the LGP-21 and a largely complete library of subroutines. The collection also comprises original manuals for the software library and compiler. To my knowledge, this software is not available elsewhere. We plan to make it accessible on the technikum29 website soon!